Tuesday, November 27, 2007

. . . with brains.

If you are like me, then you occasionally get times when your brain
seems to be running at warp speed and going nowhere. I was wondering the other day (a phrase that can mean anything from the day before yesterday to sometime in early childhood. Not this day. The other day.)how nice it would be if you could just take your brain out of your head for a while and put it on a shelf. Of course if the consciousness resides in the brain, then it wouldn't do much good. You would still be conscious and the thoughts would still be churning around, but you would have no capacity to act on the thoughts and no sensory input to potentially distract you from the random churning thoughts.

And there would be your body, devoid of thought, just sitting there, perhaps getting physical rest. Now if the consciousness abides in the body or heart then without a brain you might be aware of not having churning thoughts but you wouldn't have the capacity to actually appreciate the fact since you would not have a thinking apparatus. So there wouldn't be much gratification in either case.

So I'm just sitting here . . .

. . . with brains.

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