Thursday, November 22, 2007

Maybe I shouldn't have . . .

. . . but I put a hit counter on this blog. I think I did it out of
vanity, you know, "look how many people think my thoughts are
interesting" kind or thing. I'm going to have to make sure I visit via
the dashboard and not the blog page itself, 'cause I'm making the
counter look like I'm getting about 50% more hits than is actually
true, and that's just . . .sad.

T-Giving with the folks today.
I'm having a hard time actually giving a shit. I'm not opposed to the
whole thing or anything like that, I just don't really care. I do know
that if anyone turns on a TV, my wife and I are leaving. I AM opposed
to TV at family gatherings. Actually, I'm opposed to TV when any guest is in the house unless you have gathered specifically to watch something.

That went somewhere I hadn't planned. Oh well.

An answer to Naomi: I'm not sure where I got that. I think I picked it up in Boulder years ago. Hell, I could have made it up for all I know. If I did I'm not the only one as I've seen it in several places, including in a Sheri Tepper novel. I think by this time you could call it neo-traditional. TS

Have a Day.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

"Do you know how to make the gods laugh? Tell them your plans," is one of my favorite jokes, too. I want to use it in an article, but don't know where it originated. Want to give credit where credit is due and so forth. Any ideas? Thanks, Naomi DesMoines