Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Rant Against the Universe

First of all allow me to say that this is not directed at any individual nor is it a commentary on any particular institution that I have ever been a part of.

That clear? No one take this personally. Understood?

All righty then.

Where are my fucking rewards??!! All my life I've been a kind, generous, understanding person. I've gone out of my way to help people around me. I've spent sleepless nights with friends in crisis, I've allowed others access to my time when I had little to spare, I've held my tongue when I just really wanted to rip people a new arse-hole and I've refrained from acts of violence against people who were so deserving of extreme impact therapy. As a man I've tried to be very consious of my presuppositions and worked hard at internalizing an egalitarian attitude. I, though not a Christain, have been more Christain than most Christains I know. I'm smart, witty, mostly fun to be around, non-judgemental, I can hug a woman with out trying to grope her, I allow people to be who they are without expecting them to be what I want.

Get the picture? I'm a good guy. I'm not even too ugly.

When do I get the good stuff that is supposed to come to people like me? I have fucking waited long enough for "good things" to come, unless that sayng means wait until you die, in which case I'm gonna be really pissed at whatever diety I run into. How am I supposed to continue to "Keep a stiff upper lip." "Look on the bright side of life," "Keep my chin up," when it's all I can do to keep from not drowning in despair and the total lack of the things in life that are supposed to be the little pleasures that make life bareable. Disney LIED! "The bare necessities" are not comming to me.

I'm trying to decide if I think the above is overstated and whiney. I think I don't give a shit.

1 comment:

Nathan Herald said...

News flash - the things you have listed (e.g. kind, generous, understanding, etc., etc. ad infinitum, ad nauseum) are your rewards.
Sux ass don't it?

As for the whole deity bit, just remember Murphy's law, Finagle's Law of Dynamic Negatives and O'Toole's Collorary to Finagle's Law.

Murphy's Law: Things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance

Finagle's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will—at the worst possible moment.

O'Toole's Collorary: The perversity of the universe tends towards a maximum.

Granted these seem to not have anything to do with your theological pity party you're throwing (love the decor by the way), but you're not alone my compatriot in subversion. I too have my days where I just want to go out to the highest mountain, shake my fist at the heavens and scream out at the top of my lungs...

"Where the fuck is my iPod, you sonuvabitch?"

Anyways - new blog post:

check it out