Friday, December 14, 2007

It's Over for Now

I submitted my final paper for the semester yesterday afternoon. I'm
done with school for the holidays. It's a bit odd not having to be
thinking about what I have to read or what I'm going to write about for
some class. I get to do some pleasure reading now.

I also get to go back to construction work. I have a project that has been waiting for me. Lucky for me the clients are not in a huge hurry. Monday I think I'll take some equipment out to the job and try to get a plan together for how to make the most of the break. I would like to get as much of this thing done as I can so that it isn't hanging over me during next semester.

Speaking of next semester, I'm going to have to be on campus EVERY *(*&^%$ DAY!! It wouldn't be so bad if my commute to school wasn't an hour and a half one way.

All this so that I can get a teaching job that will pay almost enough to bring us up to the poverty level. It's a good thing I'll have summers off. Then I can work to pay off the student loans.

Why is it that in nearly every election campaign "education" comes up and instead of doing something like increasing teacher salaries, the gov. spends money instituting standardized testing that doesn't do any good. The good teachers go become corporate trainers because they can get paid, the teachers that do stay in the school systems are hamstrung by the tests that essentially require that the students are only taught how to take that test, not the information, and we are left with "our future," our children educated in a half-assed way.

Bloody politics!

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